About Rhymes Media Group
The Rhymes Media Group covers a whole host of subjects including, but not limited to: politics, current events, military industrial complex, justice system, spiritual & religious issues, sports, education, race & ethnicity, war and peace. RMG believes, strongly, in advocacy journalism.
Advocacy journalism, is the journalism, that's meant to make some concrete and tangible moral impact; that the voiceless and powerless, in this world, have to be represented and their issues must be aired; that corruption in high places, the 1%, Wall Street and the corporatocracy, military/intelligence industrial complex and rapists of the environment must and should be opposed.
Our roster of programs include: Rhymes Reasons, #IndependentMediaMonday, Life In The Electric Chair, The Eddie & Eze Show and The Wilderness Cry. Our programs present in-depth analysis, intelligent and thoughtful dialogue, debate & discourse - as well as - entertaining & meaningful conversation.
As an independent media entity, it's difficult going against a corporately-owned and politically-influenced mainstream media without the support of our listeners. It is the only way we can be an effective and viable voice on the pressing issues of the day and our time. Please, support journalism and media that endeavors to support YOU.
CEO & Founder: Edward Rhymes PhD
Over 35 years experience working in the field of Black Studies anti-racism & Critical Race Theory
PhD in Sociology with a concentration in Critical Race Theory & Black Studies
An internationally-recognized authority in the field of critical race theory and Black Studies
Work is being used in colleges and universities across the U.S. and World - including Howard, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, MIT, NYU, University of Puget Sound, UC Berkeley, Rutgers, Penn State, Old Dominion, University of South Africa, York University, the Sorbonne, to name a few
Essays and articles have appeared and work has been cited in the nation’s leading newspapers, journals and textbooks (including the New African, the New York Times, New York Daily News, The Black Commentator, The Black Agenda Report, Issues in Higher Education, McGraw Hill's Race & Ethnic Relations), Ebony, The Root, Identities.Mic, Vanguard, Former Columnist & Political Analyst, Mint Press News
Advisory Board: McGraw Hill ANNUAL EDITIONS: Race & Ethnic Relations, Sixteenth Edition (2007-08)
Essays and articles have been cited by heads-of-state
Former Assistant Director of The Frederick Douglass Unity House, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Former Director of Race Relations & Advocacy for the YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
Creator of the presentation: Black History Thru Music
Currently the Senior Consultant of Rhymes Consulting Services & Coordinator of Programs and Curriculum Development for Rhymes Edutainment
Founder & CEO of Rhymes Media Group
Host of RMG's Rhymes Reasons & #IndependentMediaMonday
Author of : When Racism Is Law & Prejudice Is Policy: Discriminatory and Prejudicial Laws, Decisions and Policies in U.S. History