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  • Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report

RMG's #IndependentMediaMonday: Ditch Both War Parties: Anti-War Coalition Maps Independent Cours

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by executive editor Glen Ford

The Democrats claim their warmongering is justified by a manufactured Russian threat, while Donald Trump wants to turn the U.S. war machine on China and Iran. For those that want peace, the destination is Richmond, Virginia, where the United National Anti-War Coalition will hold a national conference independent of the two parties of war. This year’s conference will boast "the largest Black presence in UNAC’s history.” “The Democrats and the Republicans offer nothing but war and misery to all the world’s peoples, but we in the belly of the beast have a special responsibility to dismantle this juggernaut of planetary death.” On June 16 through 18, the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC) will hold its annual conference, under the theme: “Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad: Building a Movement Against War, Injustice and Repression.” For three days, the convention center in Richmond, Virginia, will likely be the sanest building in the nation, the one place where you won’t be subjected to a barrage of warmongering fantasies about Russian threats to a non-existent American democracy. Instead, hundreds of activists from a broad range of organizations will be hard at work building alternatives to the Democrats and Republicans who have plunged the world into endless war and condemned most people in the United States to a dismal future of economic insecurity, the worst health care system in the developed world –- and if you’re Black, the ever-present threat of sudden death at the hands of police.

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